House Hold Economic Strengthening.

KAFOC has invested resources in supporting and strengthening the economic activities of the parents. Parents with already running businesses are given a capital boost which is got in kind and they can inject it into their businesses. Parents can operate the businesses while they are Saving some part of the income that they get in the Village Saving and Loan Associations (VSLA) groups which are within the communities where they ordinarily reside. They can borrow from these VSLA groups when they get a financial need like paying school fees for the children among other financial needs. They pay back this money according to the agreed terms and conditions which are favorable to them. The Income Generating Activities that they operate is expected to support them in managing household expenses, paying school dues and other related household expenses.
A supported Income Generating Activity of one of the parents of Mbuya community on track. The parent has managed to educate her children and take care of her family from this Income Generating Activity.