For All Children

Make Big Change.

they just have the heart.
Together to help the world better!
Please help us change lives around the world.

KAFOC seeks to empower poor and vulnerable children in families and communities so as to increase their opportunities for sustainable living through its MISSION “to empower poor vulnerable children by building their capacities

Child Nutrition & Immunization
KAFOC gives focus on addressing root causes of child poverty & mobilizing communities for immunization

Child Health & Education
KAFOC strives to ensure that children before they are born, their health is taken care of through interventions

Economic Strengthening.
KAFOC has invested resources in supporting and strengthening the economic activities of the parents.
Welcome to KAFOC
Kampala Area Federation Of Communities (KAFOC)
Kampala Area Federation Of Communities (KAFOC) is an urban-based implementing partner supported by ChildFund International. We work in 3 divisions (Lubaga and Nakawa in Kampala district & Kira Municipality in Wakiso district). Our niche is in child Protection where we want to see happy children in happy communities. We can only achieve this with the involvement of all stakeholders around the child the first being their immediate family.

We’re helping hand on
3000 Children in 120+ Families
Affordable Healthcare
KAFOC strives to ensure that children before they are born, their health is taken care
Child Advocacy
Child Advocacy through support in the formation and formalization of child rights
Sports Equipment for sports
Games and sports to promote children's talents and physical fitness among children.
Education & Training
Improving access to educational materials through NIE (Newspaper in Education)
Safe Water & sanitation
Prevent waterborne diseases among school-going children through Impact water tanks
Basic Entrepreneur Skills
Income-generating projects to enable the youths to have sustainable incomes
You Can Make A Difference

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Helping Hands News
From Our Upcoming Events
A peer educator is expected to do the following: • Initiate and maintain ongoing contact with SWs. • Provide correct
Bulindo play centre
We shall have world Aids Day celebrations in kira municipality at Bulindo play ground and one of its purposes is
Immunization will be conducted by Rotary club of portbell targeting young children of 0-5 years in Bbiina community.
Fees inclusive of all taxes including registration and withholding tax.
Kireka Wakiso District Kampala
ampala Area Federation of Communities (KAFOC) supported youths to enroll for Vocational Training and skilling program at Nile Vocational and Training
You can join Us
What We Are Doing
Improving access to educational materials through NIE
Sports Equipment
Games and sports to promote children's talents and physical fitness among children.
Child Advocacy
Promotion of child advocacy through support in the formation and formalization of child rights
Income generating projects
Start-up tools are given to youths after vocational skills training according to their areas of study

Our Success Stories
A laboratory technician takes blood samples from a child during medical camp held at Mbuya Family Helper Group

I feel that this organization is really working a lot for such needy people, and I would really like to appreciate them a lot. I also like to help such people. I must say that NGOs are doing a great job and making a difference for thousands of poor students who were not able to get into the faculties.

Twine Ronaldo
Helping Hands News
From Our Blog

Graduation of Youth of the Year 2021 Vocational Training Program
Kampala Area Federation of Communities (KAFOC) supported youths to enroll for Vocational Training and skilling program

Distribution of Blankets and bed sheets to Families affected by Floods.
KAFOC supported 59 households which were affected by floods in Bbiina Community with blankets and

Distribution of Education Materials for home schooling.
Uganda like the entire world has been affected by the global pandemic of COVID 19.