Welcome to KAFOC

Kampala Area Federation Of Communities (KAFOC)

Kampala Area Federation Of Communities (KAFOC) is an urban-based implementing partner supported by ChildFund International.  We work in 3 divisions (Lubaga and Nakawa in Kampala district & Kira Municipality in Wakiso district).  Our niche is in child Protection where we want to see happy children in happy communities.  We can only achieve this with the involvement of all stakeholders around the child the first being their immediate family.  We, therefore, ensure our programs target the households where the children come from through building their capacities economically (IGAs, financial literacy, saving) so that they are able to support their children with their basic needs.

We carry out community sensitization and training in various child Protection aspects within the communities thereby strengthening the community-based mechanisms to tackle child protection related issues.  We also work with the schools especially the U.P.E supported schools within the communities through peer-to-peer outreaches, sanitation campaigns, debates to improve on their oral language and communication skills, etc.

In all our efforts, we want to see that children 0-5 years are health and secure, the school going age of 6-14 years are educated and confident and the young adults 15 -24 years are skilled and involved.  To achieve this, KAFOC works with a vibrant team of staff who have over the years acquired wide experience and commitment to handling issues of child protection and ensuring that the main vision and mission of the organisation is achieved. the staff are supervised by a board of members comprising of parents to whom accountability of project implementation and utilization of resources is given to on behalf of the parents. like I said before achieving the organisation objectives is a collective responsibility of parents, staff at community level, staff at the Secretariat and the board members the highest governing body of the organisation.

Our commitment to our goal and mission remains unshaken as we seek to establish ourselves as the leaders in dealing with all child protection issues in a comprehensive and effective way

Prossie N Maraka , Program manager KAFOC