Good Schools Programme to Promote Positive Discipline in Schools.

KAFOC in partnership with Child Fund and Raising Voices Uganda are implementing the Good Schools Project in the Selected supported Schools within the Divisions of Nakawa, Rubaga and Kiira Municipality. With Raising Voices as the lead technical supporter of the Programme, they gave technical support to the KAFOC staff and the Schools protagonist teachers who are taking lead in implementing the programme in their respective schools. After the inaugural training of the project in December 2018, the schools came up with a work plan which they would implement for the initial structure formation in the schools and in the community. After close to one year of implementation of the work plan, KAFOC invited the members for a catch up reflection meeting which was looking at how much of the work plan had been implemented. The different protagonist teachers presented their reports and KAFOC was able to identify where they would be supported. A new work plan was also drawn and it would be evaluated in the next meeting. This programme is intended to reduce corporal punishment in the schools by the teachers and promote positive discipline instead which is a better mechanism of instilling discipline in children.
Top: Members pose for a photo moment after the reflection meeting about Good Schools.