Early Childhood Education and Development (ECD)

Early Childhood Education and Development (ECD) has been embraced by the members of Kimwanyi community. Kimwanyi ECD is one of the two ECD centres that is supported by KAFOC. KAFOC therefore officially opened its face lifted ECD centre of Kimwanyi in Wakiso district with Her Royal Highness the queen of Buganda Kingdom the chief guest. Other guests included the Country Director, KAFOC programme Manager and other invited guests from the district officials. The queen mother donated many goodies to the ECD centre like dolls, books, school bags and many more.
Left HRH cuts the cake with the children of the ECD centre in Kimwanyi. Right HRH takes a tour of the centre with the Country director Mr. Simba Machingaidze and Prossie Maraka the Programme Manager KAFOC.