Youth day Graduation

As part of programming for the young people, Youth are supported to access vocational training in marketable and important skills from reputable training institutes. The skills gained during the training then helps them to compete for jobs in the market and also help them earn a living. This deters them from engaging in harmful practices such drug abuse and sexual activities which would lead to teenage pregnancies and other complications. Some of the courses include tailoring, hairdressing, Early childhood development teaching, vehicle mechanics and very many other marketable skills. At the end of each course youth are graduated in a ceremony and given start up kits.
This year KAFOC graduated over 18 youth in the different skills and in a ceremony attended by the Country director of ChildFund Uganda, the youth were graduated off and handed certificates
Above Left: Youth poss for a picture after receiving Certificates Center: The Country director ChildFund Uganda is joined by the Board Chairperson KAFOC to cut cake with the graduating youth Left: The Children and youth executive representative on the board and also Board Secretary Rachel (in yellow dress) was one of the graduates of the day.