Child Protection Community Dialogues.

Child Protection Community Dialogues is a strong strategy of strengthening Community Based Child Protection Mechanisms (CBCPM). These dialogues are carried out on a quarterly basis and the choice of the community to host the Dialogue is based on the frequency of child abuse cases coming up in that particular community. KAFOC has therefore focused on educating the community members and other stakeholders that are part of this noble cause so that their capacity to report, respond and manage existing child protection issues in their community is enhanced. In this particular Zone, it was noted that there were many unreported cases of child battering especially by their stepmothers, child labor where by children are forced to abandon school for scrap collection and or stone quarrying and other forms of child labor. Community members were urged to report such cases so that appropriate action can be taken.
Top: The officer in charge Child and Family Protection Unit, Kinawataka Police station talks to community members who live in and around Kinawataka.