Capacity Building for staff and Associate structures.

KAFOC has mentored and trained its staff and community volunteers who are front line members in carrying out its community based sponsorship work. It was noted that for members to do quality work and have meaningful engagement with families, their capacity to do this must be built so that the desired results are got. Members were also tipped about how to conduct family visits, so as to engage the families that the organisation works with in result oriented sponsorship work. They were also encouraged to have evidence based work and properly document all their engagements in the field for proper review by an external party. The participants of the two day training were also advised to make it a routine to carry out family visitations because this was the only way the children would be monitored and unique situations about their families discovered and proper interventions to the the children safe, participating, healthy and in school can be taken if may be necessary.
Top: Members attend the Sponsor Relations training that was organised for them at Nakulabye Social Service Centre.