Fairwell Simba

On Monday the 23rd September 2019 the Out going Country Director of ChildFund Uganda Mr. Simba Machingaidze and the incoming Country director of Child fund Uganda Mr. Moses Otai paid a courtesy visit to KAFOC office. SIMBA was here to say farewell to the KAFOC team but also to introduce the new country director. Simba will be remembered for being very instrumental in helping KAFOC through some of the hard times and making sure the organisation is lifted to the standard where it is today. His sense of direction and willingness to support was very instrumental and the organisation will always be grateful for his support during those times and over the years he has served in the capacity as CD for ChildFund Uganda. KAFOC officially welcomes Moses, the new CD and pledge to continue with support of the work that he will be involved in with the children, their families and communities within our operation area.